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Wellness articles

Bringing heart into business

Love. Heart. Humility. The world is changing. There is a new permission to bring a more emotive language into the workplace.


Ross Orwin – Accredited Associate

Language Wellness Culture

The influences on today's workplace

Demographic shift means employers often have three, or even four generations working side by side within their organisations. To bring out the best in all of them, it's vital to understand how the norms of their respective eras have shaped their attitudes - and the way they work.


Carly Morgan – Director of Learning Innovation

Developing Leadership Team Wellness Character Approval seeking

Why striving/perfectionism gets in the way of self-growth

In our modern world, it can seem that high paced action is rewarded. Do more. Be more. Have more. Striving can be how we prove to the world that we’re 'good enough.' But this also comes with a price...


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Team Wellness Striving Authentic Transforming

Brain drain: What is it and how do you beat it?

At Heartstyles we know full well that mental processes usually hinge on physical ones. Brain drain is a case in point...


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Coaching Wellness

Character in crisis: Rethinking wellness in the light of Covid-19

While the current pandemic has wrought all kinds of turmoil across the globe, it's also inspired acts of courage, compassion and kindness


Sandra Bullen – Former Marketing & Communications Director

Character Wellness

From managing the employee experience to managing the employee lifestyle experience

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone differently. What do organisations do when a contingency plan of ‘expect the unexpected’ falls short of offering practical advice for employees on how to deal with the crisis at hand?


Sandra Bullen – Former Marketing & Communications Director

Culture Leadership Team Wellness