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Character articles

The influences on today's workplace

Demographic shift means employers often have three, or even four generations working side by side within their organisations. To bring out the best in all of them, it's vital to understand how the norms of their respective eras have shaped their attitudes - and the way they work.


Carly Morgan – Director of Learning Innovation

Developing Leadership Team Wellness Character Approval seeking

What do we mean by 'character development'?

At Heartstyles we're not here to profile personalities, instead, our mission is to develop character.But what do we mean by that?


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Stories Authentic Character

What's wrong with a little competition? Plenty, actually.

Competition. It's the force that – perhaps more than any other - shapes the world around us. Which is why it often comes as a surprise to discover that competitiveness is among the most harmful traits for anyone - especially a leader - to have.


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Leadership Competitive Character

Character in crisis: Rethinking wellness in the light of Covid-19

While the current pandemic has wrought all kinds of turmoil across the globe, it's also inspired acts of courage, compassion and kindness


Sandra Bullen – Former Marketing & Communications Director

Character Wellness