There are plenty of organizations with a distinguished track record of helping people develop their competencies. Far fewer can claim to be experts in behaviors. We can. And as an accredited partner so can you.
We’ve made the process quick, simple and flexible. It takes place online and over video conferencing. It can be done at your own pace and completed in as little as a few weeks.
Which of these camps do you fit into?
You want to add Heartstyles to your toolkit of personal growth tools
Become an AssociateYou want to roll-out the Heartstyles programs within internal team(s)
Become a PractitionerOnce you’re onboard, as well as access to the tool, you’ll also be able to find all kinds of videos, documents and other support materials via an online portal.
Alongside these materials – which are always available – you’ll also be able to attend the various webinars and masterclasses we run.