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Striving articles

Why striving/perfectionism gets in the way of self-growth

In our modern world, it can seem that high paced action is rewarded. Do more. Be more. Have more. Striving can be how we prove to the world that we’re 'good enough.' But this also comes with a price...


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Team Wellness Striving Authentic Transforming

Reaching your peak: Heartstyles and the great outdoors

At Heartstyles, we know just how big a role our environment plays in shaping the way we think, feel and behave. That's no surprise given that our co-founder, Stephen Klemich, draws so much of his inspiration from nature...


Stephen Klemich – Founder

Stories Leadership Team Striving Competitive

The subtle dangers of an over-protective leader

Dr. Mara Klemich shares how even the best of intentions needs to be appropriately focused and how a 'once size fits all' approach can be limiting...


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Authentic Team Stories Dependent Coaching Avoiding Striving Leadership Culture