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Avoiding articles

How do leaders create safe places?

We believe an important principle for a leader is to create a safe place. Effective leaders breathe life into the environment by making it a safe place for team members to express opinions and ideas, to disagree and push back...


Stephen Klemich – Founder

Leadership Culture Humility Achieving Avoiding Sarcastic

What does it mean to be 'above the line'?

At Heartstyles, we spend a lot of time thinking about 'the line'. Our founders, Stephen and Mara Klemich, have dedicated their careers to helping others get above it. But what exactly is this line? And what does it mean to be above it?


Stephen Klemich – Founder

Language Authentic Reliable Controlling Approval seeking Relating Sarcastic Easily offended Avoiding

It’s time to rock the boat

Sally was ready for development but people who worked directly with Sally were left with an overriding sense of someone who had not anywhere near fulfilled her potential. Dr Mara Klemich unpacks Sally's story and how her self-limiting thinking and behavior was holding her back.


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Stories Dependent Avoiding

Locked in by loyalty

John was a breath of fresh air. Over the years he formed deep attachments across the business and the management team had become dependent on his support. When it approached the natural time for John to spread his wings it became a deeply emotional situation. Stephen Klemich shares John's story and explores how a positive attachment to what was wanted, got in the way of what was needed.


Stephen Klemich – Founder

Stories Team Relating Culture Avoiding

The subtle dangers of an over-protective leader

Dr. Mara Klemich shares how even the best of intentions needs to be appropriately focused and how a 'once size fits all' approach can be limiting...


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Authentic Team Stories Dependent Coaching Avoiding Striving Leadership Culture

One Heart at a Time: Gabe's story of leadership development

Restaurant General Manager from KFC Florida, Gabe Terrell spoke to us about his experience of Virtual Leading with Heart, and the impact it's had on both his personal and professional development.


Sandra Bullen – Former Marketing & Communications Director

Avoiding Sarcastic Stories Leadership