
Our programmes

Organisations hinge on human interactions. Whether in the boardroom or on the frontline, when people turn up with ineffective behaviours the resulting friction can ripple out into an unproductive culture where potential goes unrealised.

By giving individuals and teams the resources to exercise greater agency over their behaviours, Heartstyles eliminates these barriers to growth.

Our programmes

The first step in this process is to measure current behaviours. We do this using the Heartstyles Indicator. The second step is to work through these results with the tailored teaching provided on our programmes.


Leading with Heart

A facilitator will take you through the psychology and neuroscience of why you do the things you do and give you professional advice on how to shift behaviours.

Course details

Virtual Leading with Heart

A remote alternative to Leading with Heart, where facilitators will work with small groups to uncover the insights from your Heartstyles Indicator.

Course details

Bespoke Leadership Development Programmes

Professionally facilitated courses helping leaders to develop the soft skills required to be successful leaders and high performing teams.

Course details
Next steps

Extended Leadership Coaching

Growth through Heartstyles is a circular process; there is no defined end and always opportunities to explore further. Many of our participants continue to use the insights to adapt their everyday behaviours and want to dig deeper into the impact that it has on leadership of teams.

To satisfy this need, we offer high-level executive coaching, delivered by a highly experienced executive coach, which unlocks leadership potential by looking at it through the lens of character.

Find out more about Extended Leadership Coaching

The Heartstyles

Our founders, Stephen and Mara Klemich, recently published a book on the methodologies of Heartstyles. The book is designed to help you understand your own behaviours and offers practical advice on how to shift them.

About the book