
The Heartstyles App

The FAQs below are designed to answer all the ‘nuts and bolts’ questions regarding accessing and using The Heartstyles App, including details of our soft launch phase.

For any further sales and marketing materials covering the App and our other Leading with Heart formats, please see the accompanying brochures or contact

General questions about the App

What is the purpose of the App?

The purpose of the App is threefold.

1. A place to explore your results
The App can access and explore Indicator results from multiple campaigns. This is a fantasticly new to Heartstyles, to be able to compare and contrast and track progress from year to year.

2. A companion to continue any Heartstyles journey
The App can be used as a post-program companion for any of our Leading with Heart or HiPo formats. For example, it can be used by those who have already been on a previous Heartstyles program to revisit their results and refresh their learning. The App then becomes a pocket companion for daily reflection, journaling, and action-planning. It should be noted that To access all features, a recent Heartstyles Indicator is needed (completed after December 2022) and therefore an Indicator remeasure may be necessary to access all the App's functionality.

2. A refresher on core Heartstyles content
A simple and efficient reminder of core Heartstyles content. The definition of the 16 styles, how S+T=B works and so on.

Who is it for?

The App is for anyone who has embarked on a Heartstyles journey. It is designed as a companion to start and continue on any Heartstyles journey.

What is the cost?

The App is free to download. Before using the App, all users should complete their Heartstyles 6-respondent Indicator. This is currently $20 per head, which is a subsidized price for 2023 only. 2024 costs to be published soon.
NB: the above applies specifically to Yum! and the Yum! Brands. For any non-Yum! clients, please contact us directly for the full pricing structure.

How does the App link with the Heartstyles Indicator?

In order to get the most value from the App, the first step for any user is to complete the Heartstyles Indicator (HSI). This is done via the online survey - where participants and their chosen respondents answer a series of questions about their own behaviors. This takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. The result is a personalized Heartstyles Indicator, a snapshot of how they are ‘showing up’ in the day-to-day. The results are then accessed and unpacked in the App.

Past participants of Leading with Heart can use the App to view their Indicator if they have a recent campaign (completed in 2023). If they have an up-to-date Indicator (completed in 2023) they will also be able to unlock all of the App’s functionality.
If they do not have a completed or up-to-date Indicator they will have to be part of a formal campaign organized by their campaign manager in order to get the most out of the App. For any older campaigns / Indicators we can organise for full use of the App if those people are made known to us.

In upcoming revisions of the App, we intend to include completing the HSI within the App itself, so that it is a one-step process. Until such time it should be understood that the two technical systems are separate and have to be handled as such from a logistical viewpoint.

Where can the App be accessed from?

The App can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. To this end, anyone can search for Heartstyles and download the App straight to any compatible mobile device. After downloading the App, anyone can log in using the details they provided to complete their online Heartstyles Indicator - for Yum! employees this will likely be their Yum! ID - and they will be able to begin exploring the Heartstyles learning content.

Questions about the current status of the App

What stage is the App at? Has it been fully launched?

We now consider the App to be fully launched. The Heartstyles App is a place to explore your results, refresh your learnings, and keep track of your progress.

Who was involved in the soft launch test phase?

In June and July 2023 we soft-launched a version of the App to a closed group of RGMs and ACs. This phase is now complete and we consider the App to be fully launched.

Using the App

How do participants know when they are ‘done’?

The App has in-built 'locked' sections which guide users' progress during the learning phase. When they have a completed home screen - with no further locked areas - they have completed the learning phase of their journey, that is their learning commitment is complete. Upcoming revisions will include a journey map showing progress. Once this phase has been completed, the App is an ongoing companion to be used far beyond initial learnings.

It can be used to journal, reflect, and action plan, as well as revisit core content and their results. The user is in control of the experience and can engage with it on their terms.

How do I use the App as part of a re-measure campaign?

The App is an ideal companion to a re-measure campaign as you can view and switch between multiple Indicators from different years. Initial feedback is that this is a much appreciated and used function of the App.

What further support is there beyond the initial learnings?

After completing the initial learning exercises on the App, the user can continue to journal, reflect, and action-plan. For more information on what is available to help participants continue their journey of self-awareness and self-reflection, see our social media channels and the Leading with Heart brochure.

If I have completed Leading with Heart, do I have to do the learning again?

Everybody who uses the App will need to recap the learning content at least once. For those who have already completed a Leading with Heart program, the learning material functions as a valuable refresher, and should take around 30-40 minutes to complete.

Do I have to have a completed Indicator to use the App?

To access the App you have to been known to the Heartstyles system, so yes, you have to have a completed Heartstyles Indicator. Anyone with a completed Heartstyles Indicator can log in to the App, engage with the learning content and access their results.
NB: all users must log in with the username (email) and password that is linked to their Heartstyles Indicator results i.e., the details with which they set up their account and completed the online Indicator survey.

One of the newest and most valuable parts of the App experience is a personalized results debrief video. This is an exciting new feature available only in the App. Once the initial learning content has been completed, for the full App experience users will need to watch their debrief video to unlock the App as an ongoing tool to help keep Heartstyles alive - constant companion.

Any Indicator completed after November 2022 will automatically be rendered as a watchable debrief video within the App. Indicators that were completed earlier than November 2022 can still be experienced as debrief videos, but only if Heartstyles are requested to manually do this. This manual process will only be relevant in the early days of the App’s existence. In the future all videos will be rendered automatically.

Privacy & Security

How do you use my data?

When you download and use our App using your Heartstyles credentials or via single sign on, we collect personal information provided by you while journaling or creating tasks, actions and goals, your reflections and other data you choose to add to the App. We only process your personal data via our App if you have given us your consent to do so. We use your personal data to create and store your profile preferences and provide you with tailored information about your personal development reports and daily reflections.
To create customised reports for you, we may combine this personal data with other information received about you from others, such as Heartstyles indicator feedback provided by your colleagues. The results of your Heartstyles indicator and the feedback/commentary about you from others will never be shared with your employer.
We use a provider called Mixpanel to understand how users use our App. The data we obtain from using Mixpanel doesn't directly identify you – it helps us understand how far through the Heartstyles journey you are, and enables us to anonymously report back to your employer how their employees are progressing through their Heartstyles journey.

Who do you share my data with?

Regulators, Authorities and Enforcement Agencies if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our clients or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection.

Where do you store my data?

We store your data on Amazon Web Services servers, located in Dublin, Ireland. When working with third parties we may need to transfer your personal data outside of the UK and / or EU. Whenever we transfer your personal information outside of the UK and the EU, we ensure it receives additional protection as required by law. To keep this policy as short and easy to understand as possible, we haven’t set out the specific circumstances when each of these protection measures are used. You can contact us at for more detail on this.

How long do you keep my data for?

We will only retain your personal data for as long as we need it unless we are required to keep it for longer to comply with our legal, accounting or regulatory requirements. You can ask us to delete your data at any time by contacting us at
We delete your personal data 6 years after you last logged into the platform and completed your Heartstyles indicator with us. If your employer notifies us that you’re no longer an employee, we will also delete your data shortly after we're notified.
In some circumstances we may carefully anonymise your personal data such as your feedback related to the profiles of other individuals, so that it can no longer be associated with you, and we may use this anonymised information indefinitely without notifying you. We use this anonymised information to improve our business, and understand trends and statistics.

Privacy Terms

The App will include new privacy terms together with the Privacy team, and all users will need to accept these in order to install the App. If you have any questions, please get in touch by emailing

This policy was last updated on 12 May 2023.